Thursday, January 30, 2025

On This Day 30 January 1944 - Italy - POWs captured!

 On This Day 30 January 1944 - Italy - POWs captured!

X (BR) Corps

30 Jan 44

German POWs being marched to the rear near Minturno. They were captured during the bitter fighting in the hills above the town and could be from 274 Grenadier Regiment of 94 Infantry Division, which originally defended this sector, although by this date, 30 Jan 44 many other German units had arrived to reinforce the line and they had become somewhat intermingled. (Photo Sgt. Johnson AFPU, TNA 11543)

Report: 17 Infantry Brigade met little opposition, 2 Northants reached Monte Natale within four hours, and at the same time 6 Seaforths occupied the Cemetery 781966, so as to secure the Brigade’s right flank.   Both Brigades consolidated rapidly and broke up a number of enemy counterattacks that took place during the afternoon.   These were mostly only in Company strength, indicating the extent to which German reserves in this sector had been thinned out since the violent battles of 20-22 Jan 44.

Fifth Army ordered X (BR) Corps to supply an extra Brigade for VI (US) Corps in the Anzio bridgehead as soon as possible.   168 Infantry Brigade who were then resting were nominated to move.   With the impending removal of this Brigade, it was necessary for X (BR) Corps to postpone for some days plans for a further substantial offensive.   The total of prisoners of war captured by X (BR) Corps since 17 Jan 44 reached 1070.

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